It is evident that wedding trends come and go .It is for this reason we need to keep researching and be well versed of the current trends in the wedding niche. These trends could rage from the venues, gowns, foods, cakes, enetertainment among others. Mostly all this depends on the set budget by the groom and bride. We have come up with some of the latest trends in African weddings below.
Venue of the Wedding: It all depends if it is a lunch wedding, backyard wedding, winter wedding or a cocktail one.
- a. Lunch weddings are very chic and unique especially if you intend it to save on the lighting or drinks normally taken in evening weddings.
- b.For cock tail weddings, it is a nice time to convene new people and share some pleasantries and so it turns out to be a casual standing social event. The sitting arrangement is in form of lounge pockets unlike the universal arrangement that comes along with tables.
- c.Backyard weddings are turning out to be very universal and most preffered.They are very fashionable and uncomplicated and one gets to save a lot in terms of getting a venue.
Food served: Weddings are done to show the love shared by the candidates and to the people that attend. It is for that motive that they need to be served with good food on this central day.
- a.In the past, people have been using the plated deserts which have become outdated and what is being used nowadays is the Canapé style service. Your guests will enjoy this turn of events in your wedding.
- b.Buffets have turned to be the most common trends in wedding scenarios whereby large bowls of food are placed in huge tables for guests to serve themselves. It is very relaxing and stylish.
- c.The use of products in season has become the cheapest and best way to serve your guests with fresh foods.
Wedding cake:It is a cliché that any African should have a cake.However; there are diverse ways you could present it and have something unique and classy.
- a. Wild designs used on your cake such as colors matching the wedding theme, use of flowers ,use of jewels or crystals all designed using icing sugar is a very stylish trend used in African weddings.
- b.Cupcakes have come to substitute the traditional cake and they are given to guests. They are stacked in a sole way and usually individually wrapped.
Wedding Dresses: It is a once in a lifetime event and it is necessary to make the right choice for yourself and maids of honor.
- a.Use of other colors other than white have become to order of the day. Most brides in Africa have opted to use other colors like ivory, platinum, pink a factor that has made it even painless to choose décor to match them.
- b.The lace gown has been put aside as most brides are turning to fabrics that are stitched to come up with unique designs.
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